Saturday, August 30, 2008

#19 08/26/08 True Aggies Bleed Blue..

The first week of school is called WOW week, or week of welcome.  They also do a blood drive all this week.  So in honor of WOW week, and for doing something new, I gave a pint of blood to the American Red Cross, and also got a free T-shirt.  Now they say that True Aggies Bleed Blue, but alas I am not one so my blood was red... :(  oh well.  The lady was just about finished with me and was just getting samples for their lab, when all of the sudden, the needle comes out of my arm and it starts to bleed!  She told me that she had never seen that happen before and asked if I would use my other arm so they could get samples.  Lucky me.  So by the end of the whole thing, I walked away with two arms with brightly colored tape, lime green on my left arm,pink for my right.   Oh yeah... I looked pretty hard core.

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