Sunday, August 10, 2008

#1 08/08/08 It's Just a Little Rain...

So Ironically, on 08/08/08, Lake Powell had the worst storm I have ever seen. It was insane! It started out calm as any other day, and then you looked again and saw three foot swells and white-capped waves with like 60 mph wind!!! We were all running around like chicken with our legs cut off! (yes, i did mean legs) We were running and sliding down the dock left and right! One thing happened after another! One boat with no motors got loose and drifted toward a personal jet ski, but luckily it didn't hit it. Another boat got loose and was heading for our boats that were supposed to go out the next day. If it hit them, we would have been screwed. Again, Luckily we got it tied before it could do any real damage. Another boat swung into our most expensive boat, the 75 footer, and put a HUGE HOLE in the pontoon. Oh yeah, there were customers on the boat. Just an added bonus. One boat was rocking so hard, the dishes fell out and shattered everywhere! Because the wind was so strong and the waves so enormous, some of the boats actually got stuck on top of the dock and did some serious damage to the front of the boat. Railings were ripped off, windows were broken. We even had some heavy four wheeler trailers fall in the water! No worries, we saved those too! It's hard to believe but all that damage happened in less than fifteen minutes!! So to start this whole new thing blog I survived the worst storm I've seen in Lake Powell this summer!

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