Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catch up time!

It's been a while since I've written. I'm not worried because there's maybe 5 people that read this blog haha.

So going back clear to November 24th! Nate came up for Homecoming weekend :) He got to Logan Friday night and we went on a triple date with his cousin Trevor, and Amanda (my roomie) and Matt (her beau). We started off clear out by the Wal-Mart in Providence. The goal was to flip a coin, and if it was heads, you turned right and if it was tails, you turned left at a stop sign or stop light. The goal was to get to Chilis in less than 30 minutes and the loser paid for everyone's dinner. We could only flip this coin. We started off going in circles, and I tried so hard to be honest each time. Sometimes when Nate would say, "Ok we NEED a tails on this one" magically it would happen... (I didn't cheat... maybe). Anyways, we were last to the arrive at Chilis and I was so nervous that Nate would have to pay... but all the boys were nice to him and he only paid for me :)

Miniature golfing with my date. Isn't he handsome?

I love this girl!!

He had never seen the Logan temple before, so we went there and took lots of pictures. I'll only put a few up...

Right after becoming true aggies!

1 comment:

mads said...

Love the pics! I can't wait to see you!